
Team Coordinators

Alda Rezende has been a resident in New Zealand for four years. She has released three albums and in Brazil has performed alongside major names such as Elza Soares and Joao Bosco. As well as developing a career in radio and television. In New Zealand Alda participated in the project OE Brazil in 2007, produced a project that brought three Brazilian musicians for a tour in 2008 and has performed in several national festivals. Currently she is a member of the bands Zirigidum and Roda de samba. Alda is also a radio host in Radio Active, and produces slots on Brazilian Music for Concert Radio.

Clo Mudrik is a circus artist, a dancer and a Physical Education and Capoeira teacher. Resident in Wellington for six years and now a New Zealand citizen, she is the coordinator of the dance company Zamba Bem, is member of the Wellington Circus Trust (responsible for the areas of aerials, acrobalance and kids), organizes the wing of dancers of Wellington Batucada, and is a member of Brazealand Band, where she dances, sings and plays percussion. In Brazil and overseas she has performed with Companies such as La Fura Dels Baus, taught Capoeira and samba to Cirque du Soleil, Acrobatico Fratell and Circo Minimo.

Isabella Rovo is an art educator and musician. Before coming to New Zealand, she coordinated the project Interarte (Ponto de Cultura COEPI) in PirenĂ³polis, sponsored by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture. Isabella worked as project manager, arts teacher, and traditional dances researcher and as musician in many bands. In Wellington, since February 2008, she has been promoting the Brazilian culture and putting together Kiwis and Brazilian musicians. She founded the bands Brazealand and Roda de Samba where she sings and plays the guitar and she is also a member of Wellington Batucada.



Chris Morley-Hall is responsible for creating the Cuba St Carnival along with the Whopper Chopper Seaside Extravaganza and the Hula Laguna and the Late Night Luau. Chris has over eighteen years experience with events in New Zealand and Europe and specialises in major outdoor performances and spectacles. Chris was Managing Director of the 2005 Wellington International Jazz festival and director of the Fringe international busking festival. His Company, Gondwana Productions has produced major events for Fat Freddy’s Drop, Weta Digital / Fx, and the World of Wearable Arts as well as consulting and assisting with events, corporate and councils throughout New Zealand.

Drew James