

Dancer Ana Paula Cançado was trained in both classic and contemporary dance, both in Brazil and in the USA, where she attended the Jofrey Ballet School and the David Howard Foundation em New York.
In the first years of her career she worked with the choreographers Tindaro Silvano, Luiz Arrieta, Clyde Morgan, Marcelo Moarcy, Eusébio Lobo e David Parsons.
In 91 she started dancing in Grupo Corpo and has been there for nearly 20 years. As such she participated and still does of all the plays put up by the choreographer Rodrigo Pederneiras and of all national and international tours in places like the Usa, Canada, France, Germany, Belgium, Australia, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Lebanon, Israel, Chile, Angentina and Uruguay.
Since 2002 Paula started working with Rodrigo Pederneiras as an assistant coreographer and now she is the assistant coreographer for the group last Ballet: Ima.
She’s given workshops about Grupo Corpo choreographic language thouguout Brazil and in several universities in the United States, Canada and France
In new Zealand she will dance a composition written by Lucien johnson and will give Master classes.

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